Virtual Track – Top of Breakheart hill

Virtual Track Session – May 7th

We have two circuits to choose from:

Our 400m circuit or the all tarmac 530m version


Beginners and Improvers:

One lap of either circuit in 5 mins including your rest period

Followed by two laps (2 x 400m, or 1 x 400m + 1 all tarmac, or two all tarmac in 7 mins including your rest period

Followed by 3 laps in 9.5 mins (again any combination)

Followed by 2 laps in 7 mins (again any combination)

and one final lap to finish

Total run time approx 30mins (including rest periods) total distance between 3.6K and 4.77K

Intermediates and advanced:

Two laps (2 x 400m, or 1 x 400m + 1 all tarmac, or two all tarmac in 5 mins including your rest period

Followed by 3 laps of any combination in 7 mins

Followed by 4 laps of any combination in 9.5 mins

Followed by 3 laps of any combination in 7 mins

Followed by 2 laps of any combination  to finish

Total run time approx 30 mins (including rest periods) total distance between  5.6k and 7.4K

Hints and tips:

  • Remember, the time for each lap combination includes your rest period, so all the group start at the same time.
  • Try to give yourself about 60 seconds rest after each combination, 90 seconds rest is better than giving yourself 15 seconds before we start the next combination to get the maximum benefit.
  • For one or two laps the recommendation is to run at 5k pace (you can try to run faster if you are experienced)
  • For 3 and 4 laps, 10k pace is recommended
  • Use this to try to calculate what combinations of circuits you’d like to take on, if in doubt though, err on the side of caution.
  • For example if you run 10k in 50 mins, 3 laps of the 400m circuit would give you a time of about 6 mins, giving you 1 mins rest before the next combination (for Intermediates and Advanced)
  • If you run 10k in 70mins 3 laps of the 400m circuit would be just over 8 mins, hopefully to give enough rest before the next combination.
  • If at anytime you feel your rest period will be too short, then feel free to miss a lap (so instead of running say three laps drop it to two) as said, better to have a 90 second rest than just 15 seconds.